MGT Subject Latest Highlighted Handouts of Virtual University 2023

Virtual University’s management science handouts are valuable supplementary study aids that provide helpful summaries, past exam solutions, and concise overviews for core MGT courses. When used responsibly alongside textbooks and class notes, quality handouts can support more efficient exam preparation and knowledge retention.

However, students should avoid overdependence on handouts alone or academic misconduct through plagiarism. Attending lectures diligently, thoroughly studying primary texts, practicing exercises independently, and participating actively in class are imperative for mastering concepts and developing practical management skills. Handouts should inspire students’ interest to probe deeper into management principles rather than be treated as shortcuts.

By incorporating handouts appropriately within a holistic study plan, students can advance their academic performance and evolve into discerning management professionals.

MGT Subject Latest Highlighted Handouts of Virtual University 2023

MGT101 Financial Accounting Download
MGT111 Introduction to Public Administration Download
MGT201 MGT201 Financial Management Download
MGT211 Introduction To Business Download
MGT301 Principles of Marketing Download
MGT401 Financial Accounting – II – Download
MGT402 Cost & Management Accounting Download
MGT411 Money & Banking Download
MGT501 Human Resource Management Download
MGT502 Organizational Behavior Download
MGT503 Principles of Management Download
MGT504 Organization Theory & Design Download
MGT510 Total Quality Management Download
MGT520 International Business Download
MGT601 SME Management Download
MGT602 Entrepreneurship Download

MGT Subject Latest Highlighted Handouts of Virtual University 2023

MGT101 – Principles of Management

MGT101 Principles of Management introduces foundational concepts in business management. It covers the fundamental roles, skills, and functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Students learn about various schools of management thought and the evolution of management theories.

The course discusses important managerial processes like decision-making, delegation, motivation, leadership, and communication. Through case studies and examples, students gain insights into practical management best practices and issues in organizations.

By the end, students have a strong base understanding of key principles and responsibilities involved in managerial work.

MGT111 – Introduction to Business Administration

MGT111 Introduction to Business Administration provides an overview of fundamental business administration concepts. The course covers business environments, forms of business ownership, small vs large organizations, functions within firms, and measuring organizational performance.

Students learn about external and internal factors shaping the business landscape like economic, regulatory, legal, social, cultural, and political climate. Basic business functions such as operations, distribution, and marketing strategies are explored.

The course provides a balanced mix of business theory and practical case studies to develop relevant administrative knowledge. MGT111 introduces key considerations involved in starting and managing a successful business venture.

MGT201 – Financial Management

MGT201 Financial Management teaches concepts, tools and techniques related to financial planning and control in businesses. The course covers financial statement analysis, cash flows, ratio analysis, fund flow analysis, cost of capital, and working capital management. Students also learn capital budgeting techniques like Payback Period, NPV, IRR etc., to evaluate investment decisions.

Other topics include stocks and bonds valuation, risk and rates of return. Through real-world cases and examples, students apply financial management principles to make managerial decisions.

MGT201 provides a strong finance base for taking specialized courses in finance and managerial accounting.

MGT211 – Business Mathematics

MGT211 Business Mathematics develops mathematical skills needed for business and managerial decision-making. The course covers important mathematical concepts, including arithmetic, algebra, graphs, functions, matrices, derivatives, and integration. Students learn how to analyze data using statistical tools like sampling, measures of central tendency, variance, correlation, and regression.

Various techniques like linear programming, queuing theory, and transportation models are also explored through business examples and spreadsheet applications.

MGT211 strengthens quantitative analytical abilities to model business problems and derive data-driven insights for effective management.

MGT301 – Principles of Marketing

MGT301 Principles of Marketing provides an introduction to key concepts in marketing. The course teaches the marketing processes involved in identifying customer needs, segmenting target markets, developing marketing mix, and positioning brands. Students learn about product, pricing, distribution and integrated marketing communication strategies.

Other topics include relationship marketing, services marketing, digital marketing and sustainability concerns. Through cases, students apply marketing principles to real-world problems.

MGT301 is a foundation course to build marketing skills applicable across diverse industries and roles.

MGT401 – Small Business Management

MGT401 Small Business Management examines strategies for successfully establishing and managing small firms. The course discusses approaches to identify, evaluate and capitalize on small business opportunities. Topics include:

  • Planning effective operations.
  • Acquiring financial resources.
  • Managing human resources in SMEs.
  • Implementing marketing and sales plans tailored to niche markets.

Legal, ethical and social obligations of small businesses are also explored. MGT401 provides useful frameworks through case studies and examples for founding new ventures or expanding existing small firms.

MGT501 – Business Communication

MGT501 Business Communication develops written and oral communication capabilities needed for managers. The course teaches how to craft effective business documents like letters, memos, reports, and project proposals for diverse professional contexts. Students learn business presentation design and delivery using visual aids.

Communication concepts like coherence, clarity, and conciseness are emphasized throughout. The course also covers crucial ‘soft skills’ like interpersonal communication, non-verbal cues, and listening.

Through assignments, students apply formal and informal business communication principles, improving professional correspondence and presentations.

MGT502 – Organizational Behavior

MGT502 Organizational Behavior examines human interactions in work environments and their impact on organizational performance. Key topics include motivation, personality, job satisfaction, group dynamics, leadership styles, organizational culture and politics, and power conflicts.

The course aims to develop interpersonal competencies to manage attitudes, personalities and team relationships. Concepts like change management and work stress management are discussed.

Through case studies, role plays, and self-assessments, students gain insights into managing complex human behavior at individual, team and organizational levels.

MGT503 – Human Resource Management

MGT503 Human Resource Management provides an overview of HR functions, processes and systems. The course covers job analysis, workforce planning, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits administration.

Students explore topics like employee relations, diversity management, and laws governing workplace health and safety. Through assignments, students apply concepts to contemporary HR issues and processes supporting organizational success.

MGT504 – Organizational Development

MGT504 Organizational Development focuses on processes to improve organizational effectiveness and achieve high performance. Key topics include diagnosis methods, interventions to support planned change, change theories, overcoming resistance, and OD ethics. Concepts like organizational culture analysis, team building, and conflict resolution are explored.

Technology integration for lean, agile transformations is also discussed. Through case studies, simulations and group projects, students understand techniques for diagnosing and facilitating system-wide organizational change in real-world scenarios.

MGT510 – Entrepreneurship

MGT510 Entrepreneurship introduces concepts and processes involved in entrepreneurial ventures. Students learn how to assess entrepreneurial potential within themselves and good opportunities. The course covers entrepreneurial competencies like risk-taking, innovation, and resource leveraging.

Business model development, writing business plans, financing sources and implementing entrepreneurial projects are explored in depth.

MGT510 aims to instill entrepreneurial thought processes of turning ideas into value-creating enterprises through assignments and contemporary startup case studies.

MGT601- Internship Report

MGT611 Internship Report develops professional business writing and documentation skills through evidence-based reflections on practical management internships. Students formally report their internship project achievements, learning outcomes and experience. The report covers the background, problem analysis, actions taken, results, and recommendations to host organizations.

Students integrate management concepts with real-world experiences, developing evaluative, analytical writing.

MGT611 enables students to self-reflect on transforming theoretical learning into management capabilities applicable to workplace settings.

MGT602 – Research Methods

MGT613 Research Methods provides an overview of the basic research process and scientific inquiry skills needed for business studies. Students learn to identify and formulate research problems, conduct literature reviews, develop hypotheses and select appropriate qualitative or quantitative methods.

The course covers data collection techniques like surveys, interviews, data analysis using statistical tools, and presenting findings.

MGT613 enables students to conduct small-scale systematic research applied to a business problem and effectively communicate the results.

10 FAQs on MGT VU Handouts

Q1: What key subjects are covered in MGT handouts?

Principles of Management, Marketing, HRM, Organizational Behavior, Business Communication, Entrepreneurship etc.

Q2: What resources do these handouts provide?

Lecture summaries, past papers, MCQs, case studies, project guides etc.

Q3: Where can I access reliable MGT handouts?

Student forums, Facebook groups, VU Legend websites.

Q4: How should handouts be used for best results?

Use handouts to supplement textbooks rather than replace reading.

Q5: Do MGT handouts get updated every semester?

Yes, handouts are updated to match syllabus revisions every semester.

Q6: Is it advisable to only use handouts for exam preparation?

No, handouts should be used with your own notes and textbook reading.

Q7: Can I directly copy content from handouts into submissions?

No, take ideas, but express them in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

Q8: How do handouts help in MGT courses?

Provide a concise overview of key concepts, theories, frameworks and examples.

Q9: What risks are there in using unreliable MGT handouts?

Potential outdated or incorrect information that could hurt exam preparation.

Q10: Are quality handouts guaranteed to help me pass MGT courses?

No, handouts support, but independent studying is a must for success.

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